The All Forgiving
Even if you commit a sin over and over and over. Ask your Lord for forgiveness, “He forgives all sins.” (39:53)
“Every son of Adam sins, and the best of the sinners are the repentant.” (Sahih Hadith)
“After you’ve sinned you are given hours to repent before it’s written down.”
“He wipes your sins away with every prostration.” (Sahih 1769)
“He never returns a person empty-handed. Hold to forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant.” (Al-Arab 7: 199)
“If you sincerely love God, then He will love you and forgive your sins. He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (3:31)
“Don’t lose hope in God’s mercy, for He certainly forgives all sins.” (59:55)